Thursday, April 30, 2009


I've been struggling a lot lately. There's a lot I don't understand.
I refuse to give up. My words will keep going to G-d. I will keep talking.
I will keep struggling to do better and grow closer. The more I want it, the more I have to fight for it.

I trust G-d. While I wander in circles in the desert I seek the burning bush, the pillar of smoke, or the pillar of fire, for I know He is calling me and wants to guide me...

Sometimes I close my eyes and cry out "G-d, where are You? I can't see you."
then I will cover my ears and hum as I think "G-d why aren't You talking to me"

I can cover my eyes and ears, but when G-d speaks the ground trembles...
I feel and earthquake coming.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Regretting and Learning

When in Kansas City, I went with some friends to help feed and hang out with homeless people.

KC 4-19-09

Sydney kept asking people to play tag, and eventually a bunch of us were literally running wild in the streets. A few of the homeless guys played and a whole lot of them cheered on and laughed joyously.

KC 4-19-09
KC 4-19-09

There was, however, one older man standing a ways behind me, who was not enjoying himself. I kept hearing him cussing and being pretty upset at us for some reason, and he eventually came up to me, to make sure I heard him. He was really upset that we were having fun and playing games. He kept bringing up all the sadness and how everyone playing was ignoring how horrible everything was and he said his wife was in the hospital dying...

I kind of tried to ignore him, because I'm pretty shy and unconfrontational and just didnt know what to say in general. One of the other homeless guys kept telling him things like "everyone else is enjoying themselves" and "no one else seems to mind man". I almost found myself upset at this guy who was taking such a beautiful joyous thing and being so against it. He eventually went away.

I left and didn't really think of him too much more... until I was on my way home, and the memory of him being right there by me, being so upset came rushing back and in my head, I turned and hugged him, and told him there was hope and that G-d cared for these things and loved Him and I prayed with Him. I broke down with the thoughts of what could have been... I feel like I failed to show G-d's love to this man who was so hurt... I'll never be able to forget this. I can't think about his face or words without crying.

And I hope this encourages you to show G-d's love. Always. When you uncomfortable, when your scared, when you just don't know what to do. We are called to be His hands and feet... and I kept my hands to myself that day...