Sunday, November 30, 2008

Focus on Messiah, Keep your eyes on G-d

An ever growing trend among the church is slowly killing our message to the world.
Popularity, fun, love, acceptance, teaching, blessing, forgiveness, peace, all these things sound great. What can be wrong with them you may ask?

I tell you, without Messiah, without G-d they mean nothing. If you have a building of worship, a church building, and your main goal is to entertain, to get a bigger congregation, to show love and acceptance, to spread peace among the world, then you are in the wrong.

All these things are lies without G-d. True love and true peace can only be found through Messiah. We are to preach Messiah crucified and encourage each other in Yeshua. Forget not the center of our faith, for these things are destructive without the Truth that is YHVH.

Do not be deceived brothers and sisters.
Seek G-d and keep your eyes focused upon Him.


We fight an on going battle in two worlds.
The sinful world and the resurrected life in the Messiah.

Somewhere along the way we gave up. We decided grace from sin was all that we needed.
Forget not, that we are to continue running the race and fighting.
We are commanded to be Holy as He is Holy.
Be separated. The bar is set high and we should not stop and find comfort, but ever run towards G-d's will in faith, a faith that comes through fear and trembling.

Take every thought and action into careful consideration. Your words can destroy lives or bless them, your thoughts can imprison you if you are not careful and your actions may produce devastating reactions.

Don't take any word lightly, but through all things try harder in faith and in prayer, be cautious and prayerful. Don't give up, and don't settle in.
The race is not finished until you can no longer run.

Messiah lives in you, and will help you to run, when your legs become weary.